The short form string should include each valid option letter, followed by a colon(:) to indicate that the command line option should be followed by a value. 短形式字符串应该包含每个有效的选项字母,每个字母后面是一个冒号(:),这表示命令行选项后面应该是一个值。
If an empty string or NULL is used in the last parameter, it assumes the default option, which is REPORT. 如果最后一个参数使用空字符串或NULL,则假定为默认选项,即REPORT。
Instead of a single string, the file option is now defined with a vector of strings. 与使用单个字符串不同,file选项现在是使用一个字符串向量来定义的。
The string that follows the-run-at-exit option is executed by the shell after the program exits. 紧跟在-run-at-exit选项后面的字符串是由这个程序退出后的文件执行的。
The getopt() routine processes the arguments ( you must pass it argc and argv) according to a string of accepted option characters. getopt()例程根据接受的选项字符的字符串来处理参数(必须传递给它argc和argv)。
If you choose the static buffer option, that buffer will be overwritten with the next call to ERR_error_string. 如果您选择的是静态缓冲区选项,那么在下一次调用ERRerrorstring时,该缓冲区会被覆盖。
To disable string pooling in g++, you must add the-fwritable-strings option to the g++ command line. 要在g++中禁用字符串池,您必须将-fwritable-strings选项添加到g++命令行。
String values exceeding the width specified are wrapped or truncated based on the TRUNCATED or WRAPPED option specified in the column command. 可以基于column命令中指定的TRUNCATED或WRAPPED选项对超出指定宽度的字符串值进行包装或截断。
Using the "explicitly cased" operators for all string comparisons is strongly recommended, because they ensure that scripts behave reliably regardless of variations in the user's option settings. 强烈推荐对所有字符串比较使用“显式设置大小写的”运算对象,因为这样可以确保无论用户选项设置如何变化,脚本都可以可靠地执行。
However, if the column is a character data type and contains only numeric characters, you can indicate this by setting the NUMERIC_STRING option to'Y. ' 然而,如果列是字符数据类型,并且只包含数字字符,那么可以通过将NUMERICSTRING选项设置为“Y”来表明这一点。
Only single-character options are accepted; each character in the string represents an option that is known to the program. 只能接受单个字符的选项;字符串中的每个字符代表程序已知的一个选项。
NUMERIC_STRING is another column option that affects performance. NUMERICSTRING是另一个对性能有影响的列选项。
Besides allowing string data to be sorted on a remote source, this server option also allows range comparison ( for example, string_col> string_constant) and LIKE predicates to execute remotely. 除了允许将字符串数据存储在远程数据源之外,这个服务器选项还允许在远程执行范围比较(例如stringcol>stringconstant)和LIKE谓词。
After verifying that a string variable, servername, is empty, the example displays a MessageBox with a question box icon, offering the user the option to cancel the operation. 验证字符串变量servername为空后,此示例显示一个带有提问框图标的messagebox,为用户提供取消该操作的选项。
To include regular expressions in the replace with string, click the use check box under find options and select the regular expressions option. 若要在“替换为”字符串中包括正则表达式,请单击“查找选项”下的“使用”复选框,然后选择“正则表达式”选项。
Connection string option that permits attaching databases at runtime and autogenerates database name. 连接字符串选项,它允许在运行时附加数据库并自动生成数据库名称。